Wednesday 23 February 2011

Questions on Tick-Tock


Here is a rough checklist of points we'll be discussing.


- Who is the protagonist? Are you sure?
- What archetypes do the characters represent?
- Character arc - is there any? (hint: in action films the main focus is on plot, not character development)
- Character dynamic - how do they interact? What relationship do they have at the beginning? How does that change? When?

2. PLOT:

- What is the "high concept" (the original angle) of the script?
- What is the main driving force (the main goal for the character(s))?
- What is the "ticking clock" element? In other words - what threat is looming if the main character(s) fail to achieve the goal?


- Suspension of disbelief - was there anything you thought was implausible (or too unlikely to happen)?
- Plot holes - was there anything that didn't quite make sense? Were any "rules of the universe" broken at any point?
- Character consistency - was there any action/line of dialogue that seemed "out of character"?


- What did you like about the script? What did you find lame?


- Were there any spectacular action pieces that would definitely be shown in a trailer for the film? Which sequence did you find the most visually impressive (if any)?
- Were there any "holy s***! moments" that would appeal to the audience but which would spoil the film if put in a trailer?


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